Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Creating a Web Persona

A great web persona should at least include social networking tools and social media tools. A great web persona today starts with a Twitter account. Below is a general guidline of what tools to use to develop a web persona

  • use activity stream tools like twitter
  • use social networking tools like facebook or myspace
  • use social media tools like youtube to create and share
  • use cloud tools to collaborate

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KARIM’s challenge is a good example of web persona development


My Challenge to the Social Media Experts

No, I'm not an expert myself and never claimed to be an expert :)

This idea came to my mind when my friend Anna told me aboutNaNoWriMo, how she did it 5 times, and how efficient it is.

So I thought to myself: how about asking people like Chris Brogan, Darren Rowse, and other people to take a challenge where they'll create a new personnality known by its nickname and nothing else. And starting to promote it, making that new entity evolve and gain audience and sympathy.


That would be a very intersting experiment in both marketing and socialmedia. The challenge if you (yes, you're invited too) take it, is to demonstrate how a "normal" person can draw interest, success and sympathy. In other words, prove that it's really doable for and by everyone if they apply some of the ideas you're using/preaching.

The Rules:
  1. Choose a nickname and use it.
  2. Forget everything about your past, friends, connections, content. Everything!
  3. Start from nothing and build something worth attention and sympathy.
  4. Do NOT invest gazillions of dollars in ads. I fact, do not pay for ads.
  5. Do not use your current network to promote. Create new twitter, friendfeed, digg (whatever) accounts.
  6. Don't give hints (any hint) on who you really are.
  7. You can tell your readers about this challenge, but give no hint about who you will be.
  8. (If you want) and If you choose to prove efficiency by generating money. Think about helping a charity :)
  9. You have two (02) weeks to do this.

I'd really like to see many people taking this challenge, and I think that it will be a very entertaining and educating experience. So? Ready? :)

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